【歌詞】Summer Soul / What If I Fall In Love With A.I.


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【歌詞】Summer Soul / What If I Fall In Love With A.I.




Summer Soul - What If I Fall In Love With A.I.


I don’t want to stay tonight
You know what I mean? 
I’ll just say goodbye to all the past
Now, let’s get away from this place 
If you don’t mind it yeah

The way you just smiled
Got me something 
It’s so strange
Yeah I’ve never felt this way
Feel my body, 
Just don’t care what others say 
There’s nobody here
You can have it all

With you, I don’t mind if 
People hate me in special way 
You could be my only one
Hearts go pit-a-pat 
Like when someone in love 
Sounds so pure like
Everybody else

I don’t want to stay tonight
You know what I mean? 
I’ll just say goodbye to all the past
I’ll just say goodbye to all the past

If you’ve ever tried to figure out the way I feel
I’d be sure to call this love
Something special
I can be myself with you
Sounds so clear like
Ain’t nobody else

You’ve been on my mind
Really hasn’t been that long
Let me stay with you whole life
Can’t compare my lover to another one
There’s nobody can 

You just colored my world,
Before you, used to be black and white
Now i can see myself
More than two colours

I don’t want to stay tonight
You know what I mean? 
I’ll just say goodbye to all the past
I’ll just say goodbye to all the past



SBS音楽番組「THE SHOW」 スタジオ観覧ツアー 入場確約チケット予約(韓国 ソウル)

【PR】SBS音楽番組「THE SHOW」旬のKPOPスターを間近で見れるスタジオ観覧ツアーをチェック!

Seohwa Hanbok(西花韓服) チマチョゴリレンタル利用券予約(韓国 ソウル・着物レンタル)


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