【歌詞】OurR / Desert


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【歌詞】OurR / Desert


All written by Hong Dahye
All Composed by OurR
All Arranged by WeGom
情報提供:Happy Robot Records, Bside


OurR - Desert


Maybe you never have
Just being suffer
cause can’t you
can’t getting away
Yes you never have
For decades
without a trace of boredom
Like a scouter

They can't be good
but they are
We feel like dust
Just cut in But it did
holding on for us whatever
It like it ever did
And they’re right here
Calm and even

They let me know
we make mistakes
And it seems to say go

the way we know
They tell me
Just seeing
what we can see now
And you own it
What you see

When everything will befriend
If it's same the story so far
As i said
clearly we’re a baddy now
and It will be terrible scene
And they’re right here
Calm and even

They let me know
we make mistakes
And it seems to say go
the way we know
They tell me
Just seeing

what we can see now
And you own it
What you see

It’s so natural
Thing that flow here
Could I be covered 
by this fine sand
It’s so natural
Thing that flow here
Could I be covered 
by this fine sand

They let me know
we make mistakes
And it seems to say go
the way we know
They tell me
Just seeing
what we can see now
And you own it
What you see




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